Get Hooked on Adventure with 10% Off!
Here’s the deal: Between the 15th and 25th of June, if you grab a voucher or book and pay for a trip in full, we’ll knock 10% off the trip price. It’s a bit of a win-win – you get a great trip, and you’re helping us raise some funds for a couple of drift boats in New Zealand.
The options are plenty. You can book a drift down the Goulburn River, spend a day learning the fine points of streamcraft, give some vouchers to friends, or even hop over to New Zealand or Montana for some fantastic fishing.
Now, here’s the extra bit of info: This is a one-time offer to help us raise the last of the funds we need for the drift boats, and we thought giving you a great deal would be the perfect way to make it happen. But remember, this offer ends at midnight on Sunday, 25th June, or as soon as we’ve raised the funds, so it’s best to jump in while you can.
So, if you’re keen, give us a call or shoot us a text at 0418 995 611 anytime between 8am and 10pm, 7 days a week. We’d love to chat about the options and get you all set for an amazing fishing experience at 10% off.
Prefer a deal on gear. Read on for all the latest end of season deals.